About S4DATA



S4DATA Technology Services is a business unit under AL FURQAN GROUP which brings highly skilled consultants to support your day-to-day business. Professionals with intuitive creativity, strategic thinking, technical assistance and interest in our clients are available round the clock to support client businesses. With time S4DATA has gained a reputation for on-time delivery, customer satisfaction and dedicated support. S4DATA understands the needs of its clients and provides full support including Licensing, Consulting, Implementations, Trainings, and Technical Support.








We intend to be Global successful information Technology Company providing the latest and simplest solutions by collaborating with our clients and building trust in our customers for our services.


To provide innovative solutions with trust, secure services, and satisfaction. Values: Delivering world class solutions to clients with trust.

Since 2016

S4DATA was started in 2016 to provide ERP solutions to various businesses. From the very first day our mission has been creating trust in our clients by professional relationships and reliable technology solutions for their needs. Our Consultants have highly developed skills which has been developed with experience over years, and it is not only limited to Technology but also business processes across a range of industry sectors. Exposure and experience in various business sector have positioned us uniquely to offer solutions with greater operational efficiency, productive gains and promising cost savings for our clients regardless of their business.

communication is key

personal service

Our solutions

Our Strengths

Our strength relies on our relentless commitment and uncompromised integrity

get to know each other

understanding your requirements

Executing your goals

client satisfaction
Successful Projects
Success Rate

our team of experts are here for you